Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Today's the day

For some great commentary on "Super Tuesday," go to Adrian's blog (see my list to the left). I only have a couple of things to add.

1. Our political system is hosed. It's no longer representation by the people, for the people and of the people, it's now a good ole boy/girl network and a business where transactions are made in favors, not money. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that you shouldn't work together for the best of the country, but this system of bill tag-ons, trading issues like they're tokens is much different than true compromise.
2. The conservative movement is hosed up. We no longer have a leader, we've let liberals convince polite our values (aka: the view that abortion is a right, not a killing of a baby or even that abortion is a major medical procedure that should be tightly controlled, at the very minimum). I don't have all the answers and I don't believe that America was, is or ever will or should be a "Christian" nation (different than a nation ran on common values, you see), but when we conservatives can't unite and stand behind the single most conservative candidate (whom I believe currently to be Romney, NOT McCain)....well then, I guess there are a lot of "Republicans" out there who vote "Republican" without knowing why or committing themselves fully to being a conservative ("because it's a choice" or "it's ok if they do that, we can't stop them").

And Adrian's right, Republicans have to stand behind the RNC candidate, whomever it is. We don't have a choice, really. The alternative of choosing either of the Democrats that are going to be on the final ticket is scary for our nation. If you think I'm wrong, look at the problems with the "socialized" nations of the world (I'm talking political socialization, not cultural), look at the differences between socialism and communism. Compare our problems with "socialized"
nations' problems and tell me which is better. I know my choice and I'm telling you that it's not the same place the Democrats will take us.

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