Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Catching up

Well, I've gotten some grief that I haven't posted anything in the past few days. So here you go. Obviously, the big news lately is that McCain has taken the lead past Romney in the Republican delegate count. Did anyone else notice that before the Florida primary, the MSM media was talking up how McCain had won the most primaries and now, he's ahead in the delegate count? Makes you wonder why they like him, don't ya think?

Other than that, not much else going on. Not sure if I'm just not feeling like expressing my thoughts or just tired. I guess both. We've had January sinus infections, ear infections and colds going through out house, so tiredness has settled in and I'm tired (no pun intended) of having it around. I probably need about a week of going to bed on time. But...I'm a news junkie and I'll spend a couple of hours reading through news and photo forums when I should be going to bed on time. Nobody's fault but my own, I admit.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Chrispy, you're not ranting. It's been like 5 days...