Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Catching up

Well, I've gotten some grief that I haven't posted anything in the past few days. So here you go. Obviously, the big news lately is that McCain has taken the lead past Romney in the Republican delegate count. Did anyone else notice that before the Florida primary, the MSM media was talking up how McCain had won the most primaries and now, he's ahead in the delegate count? Makes you wonder why they like him, don't ya think?

Other than that, not much else going on. Not sure if I'm just not feeling like expressing my thoughts or just tired. I guess both. We've had January sinus infections, ear infections and colds going through out house, so tiredness has settled in and I'm tired (no pun intended) of having it around. I probably need about a week of going to bed on time. But...I'm a news junkie and I'll spend a couple of hours reading through news and photo forums when I should be going to bed on time. Nobody's fault but my own, I admit.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Truth without bias?

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I am opinionated. As my dear sweet wife tells me, I will argue with someone just for the sport of it, whether I have an opinion on what we're discussing or not....and she's right. I like spirited discussion, it doesn't bother me. But I'm also a terrible debater, if that makes any sense. Ask me to win an verbal argument based on presentation and I'll probably fall flat on my face. But give me the opportunity to prepare my points, make a presentation or write my thoughts ahead of time and I think I can do a pretty good job.

Which leads me (sort of) to my subject. My brother-in-law and I have continual discussion of those who have convinced themselves that they present information without bias. I submit to you that is impossible--everyone has a bias. But there are those in the MSM, blogs, even scientists who feed you information and tell you "this is the way it is, these are the facts, there is no other conclusion." The absoluteness of the information is almost always unmerited; again, everyone is biased. It is up to the receiver of the information to resolve the bias, turn the information over, even....EGADS! go and check out the information for themselves and to compare it to other information on the subject at hand.

That's all I ask, don't blindly absorb, think about the bias of the presentation, even if you agree with their bias--you still must realize it's there.

Personally, I believe there is only one source of absolute truth, God, but that is another discussion for another day. But at least you now know one of my main biases, eh?